The way to the Vasudhara Falls from Badrinad

Vasudharais a beautiful valley to reach at least 5 km walking distance from the village of Mana, known as the last village of Bharat. On the way to Badrinad lies about 10 km. On the way, there is a mileage of the river Saraswati river that is 700 meters and the Kesava can be intermittently underground.
Vasahahu and Ganesha cave written by Mahabharata are in Mana village.
The journey to Vasudhara may be a difficult one because of the shortage of the anxiety. Snow and snow are not visible in the months of September and October.
From Manalai can be walked from 2 to 4 hours. Vasudhara lies in the foothills of Narayana, Nara, Kubera and Neelakanta.

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