A travel of Croatian

The highest construction in the 13s. More than that it is belongs to ancient croatitian people and to the new generation of today. Went inside and enjoyed the statues by walking. The people are coming and putting the coins in the box. And they are lighting the lamps also. I reached in front of one museum after roaming.Museum of broken relationship

The entrance fee is 20 Kuna.It was different from other museums and and will make us to think. I was wondering by seeing the memories of love. The love failure and it’s indicators are kept with the small notes.
Near to this St.Mark church is situated. In front of that one girl was drawing picture and her teacher also was there. I saw few people with their style costumes. I came to know that they were guides when I enquired with them. I have taken photos with them and got information by asking to tourist information counter. The tunnel was near from here. While going I saw a Funnikular train which was with tourists. I walked down and reached in front of the tunnel.

Croatian Homeland War tunnel 1945
It has built in the 2 2nd World War. It is joining the main two cities and this has opened recently for the tourists. This tunnel is of 400 meter length and the maintenance had over with the lightings and all. I reached square by walking through inside.

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